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Literaturdatenbank für Mathetik auf reformpädagogischer Basis
: 2006 |


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lit_db 0.2.2adev.0341a
© by Xenon

version 0.2.2adev.0341a

all code (html, css, java script, php, mysql) © by Xenon

0.2.4dev #0475 -- 25.01.2006
- added option to switch off the multilanguage feature #0475
- added maintenance mode #0470
- added language-feature for news #0461
- fixed bug with firefox where no cookies were set #0456
- fixed a small bug with javascript #0455
0.2.3 #0452 -- 04.10.2005
- added iso639-1 support for language-codes
- added function to report a specific record
- added mylist feature
- added language selection for visitors
- added time limit for user activation
- added message-broadcast-function for admins
- added online help feature
- improved lost password function
- improved navigation for search results and database and logfile page
- fixed a bug with account-editing
- fixed a bug in search
- fixed bug where double records where imported from backup files
- fixed a bug with logfiles, where the id was not logged in some cases
- fixed a bug with language-files
- some minor security updates
- some more improvements, changes and fixes
0.2.2 #0356 -- 06.09.2005
- added backup-module
- added bb-code
- fixed problem with css and firefox
- fixed navigation in search-results
- fixed advanced search
- some more fixes
0.2.1a #0339 -- 24.03.2005
- fixed a bug with 'security_logout'
- fixed a bug with account activation
- fixed a bug with java script
0.2.1 #0336 -- 22.03.2005
- added javascript form-checking
- added content administration and ability to choose the start-page
- added registration-module for visitors
- fixed options module
0.2.0 #0309 -- 15.02.2005
- recoded the complete code for beta2
0.1.1 #0191 -- 15.10.2004
- added language files
- added language-tags for db-records
- improved backup-functions
- changed limit_logfile behavior
- some more fixes
0.1.0 #0181 -- 06.10.2003
- fixed session handling
- added 'url' to the advanced-search
- fixed options bug
- fixed import/export function
- fixed no name saved on 'new account'
- fixed edit useraccount
- fixed url not shown while displaying records
- some more fixes
0.1.0 #0170 -- 26.09.2002
- first public release

lit_db is a database, storing literature, articles, notes, excerpts of those and similar information. it was coded to be a pool of information you can search in. the author of lit_db (Sebastian 'Xenon' G–nd–r) owns NO RIGHTS of any of the contents stored in this database, nor does the administrator! anyway, all code (HTML/PHP/MYSQL/JS/CSS), lit_db itself and the lit_db- and xgui-logos are protected by copyright by Sebastian 'Xenon' G–nd–r. the author of lit_db takes absolutely NO responsibility for the contents stored in this database (for he has no influence on what is stored in it)
all content stored in this database is protected by copyright! all rights belong to the contents respective authors. you are not allowed to use the content of this database unless you have the explicit permission by the respective author.
the administrator of this database has no influence on the contents of the web pages the links (urls) stored in this database link to or is responsible for them - nor does the author of lit_db